Nosaltres, els sense nom

Nosaltres, els sense nom

l'anarquista oblidat: de pistoler a ministre

García Oliver, Juan
Díez, Xavier (ed.)

From his childhood in an extremely poor Reus family to the years of a gunman in the revolutionary Barcelona of the war between employers and anarcho-syndicalism, from anti-fascist fighter on the Aragonese front to Minister of Justice of the Republic, Joan Garcia Oliver had a life of film, even if today he is a forgotten man or, more precisely, banished from official memory. Unlike Salvador Seguí, Federica Montseny or other figures of Catalan anarchism, no street, school or library bears his name. He is only remembered by a discreet plaque near the place where he was born, perhaps because, as Xavier Diez states in the prologue to this edition of the mythical memoirs of the anarchist, "once dead he remains as controversial as when he was alive". Garcia Oliver, in fact, was never a comfortable figure. Not when he became one of the natural leaders of the libertarian movement, nor when, after Franco's death, there was speculation about his return. We, the nameless, are fascinating memories, both for the human trajectory of its protagonist and for the political and revolutionary intensity of its time, and are at the same time an essential reading to understand a moment in our history that has never been good enough. explained, either because of its complexity, or because of the prejudices of Catalan society when dealing with an uncomfortable and controversial past.

García Oliver, Juan
Díez, Xavier (ed.)
History > Biographies
Edicions La Campana
22.9 cm
15.3 cm
Release date
Paperback edition
19,13 € Add to cart
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García Oliver, Juan (aut.)

  • García Oliver, Juan
    Juan García Oliver (Reus, 1901 - Guadalajara, México, 1980) fue un anarquista español. Junto a Buenaventura Durruti, fundó el grupo de Los Solidarios, al cual posteriorment   Read more

Díez, Xavier (ed.)

  • Díez, Xavier
    Xavier Díez (Barcelona, 1965) es un escritor e historiador catalán especializado en los movimientos sociales en el siglo XX.   Read more