Historia de la ultraizquierda

espartaquistas, comunistas libertarios, situacionistas, neoanarquistas, zadistas,black blocs y otros enemigos del capital

Bourseiller, Christophe

From the beginning of the 20th century to the present, a political movement has spread that defies all labels. It is placed to the left of the left, and even to the left of the so-called "extreme left". It is, in fact, the sting of all the left: the far left. Thus, from a historical point of view, the different groups and tendencies linked to the ultra-left have exercised a lucid and ruthless critique of the capitalist system, but also of all orthodox communism and even of a certain rampant anarchism, that is to say: of all theories and all structure that, once converted into a dogma and a watchword of order, would endorse the exploitation of a human being by his equals. In this way, the ultra-left embodies an avant-garde form at the very confines of politics, art, and action. The history of the ultra-left is therefore a long journey through unknown lands, meeting sincere revolutionaries, magnificent losers, authentic nihilists, reckless creators, radical neo-ruralists, neurotic sectarians, regiments without generals and ragged battalions. It is true that sometimes they spend too much time insulting through incendiary (and sometimes unforgettably poetic) leaflets, but it is no less true that their clairvoyance and the courage of their positions have given rise to fundamental advances in the field of ideology, philosophy, sociology, history or simple everyday life. Consequently, this is the story of a paradox: an angry and violent current that, however, has been and is a hotbed of new ideas that have always been developed on the political margins. And we must not forget that the radical uncertainty that permeates our future today makes it fundamental to search for unprecedented paths for a freer, fairer and more equal society.

Bourseiller, Christophe
Human sciences > Politics
Errata Naturae Editores
21.5 cm
14.0 cm
Release date
La muchacha de dos cabezas 
Paperback edition
22,12 € Add to cart
Entrega: entre 8 y 14 días

Bourseiller, Christophe (aut.)

  • Bourseiller, Christophe
    Christophe Gintzburger (París, 1957) conocido como "Kinsbourg", alias Christophe Bourseiller, se licenció en Filosofía en la Universidad París-Nanterre y se docto   Read more