Felipe González

Felipe González

el jugador de billar

Morán, Gregorio

Since the idea of dedicating the pages of a book to the biography of Felipe González took shape at the end of 2017, until today it can be said that everything has changed except the main character. Spain is no longer the same and the world even less so, but the man who was president of the government from 1982 to 1996 remains a reference to the past, sometimes immutable and other times contemplated with benevolence. It is rare at these distances to find someone who reviews and addresses his career. Time and the way it is managed has turned it into a state asset. It would not be an easy task to find precedents. The most common thing in Spain is to wait for the funeral services to give eulogies; which led a politician of this time to sarcastically say that "in Spain we bury very well." In this case an exception would have to be made to dedicate it to Felipe González Márquez. Retired from practical politics, from day to day life, he does not abandon his legitimate right to give his opinion on high-profile occasions or in institutional appearances, which always go one step beyond rituals and make him an image of balance and good sense even for those who They detested him during his years in government. A case whose ultimate reasons would well deserve a study of both him and those who were his adversaries, because the curious thing is that neither one nor the others have stopped having the same convictions.

Morán, Gregorio
Human sciences > Politics
Roca Editorial
23.5 cm
15.0 cm
Release date
Paperback edition
18,17 € Add to cart
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Morán, Gregorio (aut.)

  • Morán, Gregorio
    Gregorio Morán (Oviedo, 1947) es autor de un puñado de libros fundamentales para interpretar la historia cultural y política de la España contemporánea.   Read more

González Márquez, Felipe

  • González Márquez, Felipe
    Felipe González Márquez (Sevilla, 1942) es un político español, secretario general del Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) desde 1974 a 1997 y tercer presidente   Read more