El revolucionario mundo de los probióticos

El revolucionario mundo de los probióticos

qué son, cómo funcionan y para qué sirven

Otero, Olalla

The microbiota is the set of microorganisms that live inside your body and perform decisive functions for your health. You probably know about them, just like probiotics and prebiotics, but do you really know anything about them? Don't worry, Olalla Otero tells you what they are and how they work in great detail and, best of all, with the necessary simplicity for you to understand without having scientific training. This book sheds light on a topic that many talk about but very few know about, and it does so based on hundreds of scientific studies. It clearly explains the importance of having a balanced microbiota and provides a guide on the strains of different probiotics and their effects on many pathologies. If you want to keep up to date with the latest discoveries about these microorganisms and learn more about the connection between the inhabitants of your intestine and organs such as the brain, skin or mouth, you have it here. Discover the relationship of the microbiota with your immune system and accept it: everything you do influences the microorganisms that live inside you. In addition to following the evolution of different clinical cases, exposed with simplicity and humor, you will find lists of pathologies and disorders and the strains of probiotics that have proven to be useful to combat them. If you are worried about your microbiota and want to know more about which probiotics can help you, this is your book.

Otero, Olalla
Medicine & health > Diet and nutrition
Alienta Editorial
21.3 cm
13.5 cm
Release date
Colección Alienta 
Paperback edition
16,30 € Add to cart
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Otero, Olalla (aut.)

  • Otero, Olalla
    Olalla Otero es doctora en Biología por la Universidad de Vigo y tiene dos Másteres: uno en Innovación en Seguridad y Tecnología Alimentarias y otro en Metodología y   Read more