El Gran Capitán

El Gran Capitán

Martínez Laínez, Fernando
Sánchez de Toca, José María

He was the noblest, most generous and purest warrior that ever walked the earth. His enemies honored him and praised him with the nickname "Great" that very few have deserved in history. He was born and raised among soldiers, and the first time he appears in history he was fighting sword in hand to defend the honor and lives of converted Jews. He was a leader of the Frontier and captain of spears in the war of Granada. He commanded and fought on foot and on horseback, and always protected men from him. He first climbed a wall and was fighting clinging to a battlement. His good work attracted the attention of the Kings who later bore the name of Catholics, who gave him their friendship and trust. King Ferdinand gave him command of a very small expeditionary force, the first to leave Spain in many years, and with it he expelled the French from the kingdom of Naples. A fictitious peace came, the French invaded the Reame again and Gonzalo drove them out again. He was friends with his friends and his enemies; he faithful to his men, his wife and his kings. He exhorted the Pope to live a good life. He gifted a kingdom to his king. Out of loyalty to the king he resigned to be king, and because he did not serve another flag he refused the offers of Genoa, Venice, the emperor and the Pope who nominated him as the highest command of their armies. He was an excellent warrior and general. He was the Great Captain.

Martínez Laínez, Fernando
Sánchez de Toca, José María
History > Biographies
Editorial Edaf
23.0 cm
15.0 cm
Release date
Crónicas de la historia 
Paperback edition
17,31 € Add to cart
Entrega: entre 8 y 14 días

Martínez Laínez, Fernando (aut.)

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Sánchez de Toca, José María (aut.)

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