Zenobia Camprubí

Zenobia Camprubí

la llama viva

Cortés Ibáñez, Emilia

Although she is known for being the wife of Juan Ramón Jiménez, poet and Nobel Prize winner for literature, Zenobia Camprubí Aymar (1887-1956) was one of the most interesting personalities of the first half of the 20th century. Modern, bright and restless woman, fighter, independent, socially committed to the equality of women and the needs of children, hers was a full life involved on countless fronts: writer and translator, visionary businesswoman and feminist activist, university professor and pedagogue devoted to childhood. All these tasks, which she carried out both in Spain and, after her exile in 1936, in the United States and Puerto Rico, she combined with the organization of Juan Ramón's archives and the writing of her correspondence. Fleeing the conventions of the biographical genre, in which historical and social data often prevent a deep approach to the person remembered, this book shows the intimate personality of Zenobia Camprubí through a set of texts often omitted in traditional biographies : diaries, notes, reflections, correspondence. The result is a surprising, exciting and moving biography. In it, Zenobia's voice resounds without intermediaries to convey her wishes, her concerns, which were many, her pain, which represents that of many women of those years, and, above all, the incredible energy and limitless love with which she undertook all facets of his life and each and every project he embarked on. Love and energy that earned him the nickname "the living flame" by Juan Ramón Jiménez.

Cortés Ibáñez, Emilia
History > Biographies
Alianza Editorial
22.0 cm
16.0 cm
Release date
Paperback edition
17,31 € Add to cart
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Cortés Ibáñez, Emilia (aut.)

  • Cortés Ibáñez, Emilia
    Emilia Cortés Ibáñez (Utiel, 1946) es una estudiosa del teatro y del cine desde 2004 viene trabajando en la figura de Zenobia Camprubí.   Read more

Camprubí de Jiménez, Zenobia

  • Camprubí de Jiménez, Zenobia
    Zenobia Camprubí (Malgrat de Mar, 1887-San Juan de Puerto Rico, 1956) fue una escritora y lingüista española. Contrajo matrimonio con Juan Ramón Jiménez en 1916, y des   Read more