Un feminismo de código abierto

Un feminismo de código abierto

del movimiento 15M a las huelgas feministas del 8M (2011-2019)

Galdón Corbella, Carmen

On March 8, 2018, International Women's Day, also known as 8M, a day of international feminist strike and unprecedented massive demonstrations took place, highlighting the magnitude of the follow-up and impact of the protest throughout the Spanish State. A feat that, far from being isolated, would be replicated a year later with an even greater success of mobilization and social repercussion, milestones that contrasted with the traditional and deep-rooted rejection and incomprehension of feminism, evidenced even in the context of the emergence of 15M seven years ago. That is to say, within a supposedly emancipatory social movement, whose origin and raison d'être revolved around the demand for a more democratic and just society. Based on this scenario, the question that An Open Source Feminism starts from is what happened in between for feminism to go from being "a dirty word" to broadening its acceptance and social base in unprecedented dimensions. Thus, Carmen Galdón Corbella investigates the keys to this process of social transformation that goes from 15M to the feminist strikes of 8M, and identifies the points of connection between both events through the analysis of a third party: the State March against sexist violence , better known as 7N, decisive for the achievement of a State Pact against gender violence. In this way, in the first part of this work the interrelationship between feminism and 15M will be addressed to, later, put the focus squarely on the feminist movement. In its identity and organizational keys, as well as in what is behind the scenes of this unitary staging of large mobilizations. In short, what the unit image hides.

Galdón Corbella, Carmen
Human sciences > Feminism and LGTBI+
Ménades Editorial
21.0 cm
14.0 cm
Release date
Paperback edition
26,44 € Add to cart
Entrega: más de 14 días

Galdón Corbella, Carmen (aut.)

  • Galdón Corbella, Carmen
    Carmen Galdón Corbella es licenciada en Ciencias Políticas y Sociología, Máster en Estudios Disciplinares de Género y doctora en Ciencias Sociales. Trabajó qu   Read more