Somos os monstros
X Premio Manuel María de Literatura Dramática Infantil 2018
Carballeira, Paula
Hernández, Ignacio
A girl and a boy get lost when they go out to play in the forest destroyed by the last fire. A big monster and a small monster dwell in that forest. Children and monsters are going to meet. Fear gives way to curiosity and they begin to question themselves. Who are the children and who are the monsters?
- Author
Carballeira, Paula
Hernández, Ignacio (il.)
- Subject
Child & youth
> Drama 9 to 12 years
- Edition
- 2
- Publisher
Edicións Xerais
- Pages
- 80
- High
- 19.0 cm
- Weight
- 13.5 cm
- Release date
- 10-11-2022
- Language
- Galician
- Series
- Merlín
- Number
- 299