Oposiciones. Maestro de educación primaria, 1

Oposiciones. Maestro de educación primaria, 1


Ramírez García, Antonia
Jurado Gómez, Marcos
Ruiz Suárez, José Ramón

This manual includes an update of the twenty-five topics that make up the agenda of oppositions to the Corps of Teachers for the specialty of Primary Education, adapting both to the Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, on Education (LOE), in its text consolidated (2020), as well as Royal Decree 157/2022, of March 1, which establishes the organization and minimum teaching of Primary Education. The topics have been written in such a way that they can be used in any Autonomous Community, since the state regulations have been taken as a reference to refer to the curricular elements. Likewise, these topics include an updated theoretical review of the pedagogical and psychological trends that support the most innovative educational interventions in the classroom. In the same way, the experience of the authors as teachers and opposition preparers enrich these theoretical approaches with practical examples of real situations produced in the school context. To facilitate the reading and study by opponents, the topics that address the educational intervention of the different areas of the curriculum of the Primary Education stage (Knowledge of the Natural, Social and Cultural Environment; Artistic Education; Education in Civic Values and Ethics; Spanish Language and Literature, and Mathematics) follow the same structure adapted, logically, to the specific contents of each of them. In short, this manual will enable the opponent to achieve a good grade in the first test of the contest-opposition to the Corps of Teachers.

Ramírez García, Antonia
Jurado Gómez, Marcos
Ruiz Suárez, José Ramón
Formation and textbooks > Public examinations
Ediciones Pirámide
24.0 cm
19.5 cm
Release date
Paperback edition
36,49 € Add to cart
Entrega: entre 8 y 14 días

Ramírez García, Antonia (aut.)

  • Ramírez García, Antonia
    Antonia Ramírez García es profesora titular del área de Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación de la Universidad de Córdoba. Ha sid   Read more

Jurado Gómez, Marcos (aut.)

  • Jurado Gómez, Marcos
    Marcos Jurado Gómez es maestro de Educación Física y profesor de Educación Secundaria, especialidad de Educación Física por oposiciones. Posee experiencia en    Read more

Ruiz Suárez, José Ramón (aut.)

  • Ruiz Suárez, José Ramón
    José Ramón Ruiz Suárez es inspector de Educación desde 2008 en el Servicio Provincial de Córdoba. Ha sido inspector central en la Consejería de Educació   Read more