Mercedes Cabrera

la historia y la política

Rey, Fernando del (ed.)
Martorell Linares, Miguel (ed.)

Committed citizen, trained in the environment of the Institución Libre de Enseñanza, historian, political analyst and, for a time, also an active politician identified with specific ideas and a program, halfway between liberalism and democratic socialism. Thus, the biographical traits of a personality as rich as that of Mercedes Cabrera could be briefly summarized, even at the risk of oversimplifying a life with many other profiles, where bonhomie, generosity and humanity occupy, in turn, a place outstanding. Born just in the middle of the last century, Mercedes Cabrera has been and is an exceptional witness of the time in which she has lived, as an observer subject to an always insatiable curiosity. She was first a student of Political Science, in her youth, during the decisive period of late Francoism and the transition to democracy. And then from the observatory of her university professor with more than forty years dedicated to teaching and research, the result of which we have an abundant body of publications and reference books. That trajectory was only interrupted when she decided to approach the forefront of politics in our country, a decision that led her to hold the position of minister twice in fields linked to her professional activity and training: education and social policy. . This tribute book, written by some of her many travel companions and friends, analyzes all those contributions resulting from a dense and exciting life.

Rey, Fernando del (ed.)
Martorell Linares, Miguel (ed.)
Human sciences > Politics
Galaxia Gutenberg
21.0 cm
14.0 cm
Release date
Paperback edition
20,67 € Add to cart
Entrega: entre 8 y 14 días

Rey, Fernando del (ed.)

  • Rey, Fernando del
    Fernando del Rey (La Solana, 1960) es un historiador español, profesor en la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.   Read more

Martorell Linares, Miguel (ed.)

  • Martorell Linares, Miguel
    Miguel Martorell Linares (Madrid, 1963) es catedrático del departamento de Historia Social y del Pensamiento Político de la UNED. A lo largo de su carrera ha simultaneado las investigaci   Read more

Cabrera, Mercedes

  • Cabrera, Mercedes
    Mercedes Cabrera (Madrid, 1951) es una política, politóloga e historiadora española, Catedrática de Historia del Pensamiento y de los Movimientos Sociales y Político   Read more