Lutero, Calvino y Trento

Lutero, Calvino y Trento

la reforma que no fue

Díaz Villanueva, Fernando
Garín García, Alberto

What were the real motives that triggered Luther's Reformation? How did the Pope and the Empire react to the Lutheran challenge? What was the first authentic reform of the Church? Did Reformed churches really exist as such? Was the Council of Trent late? What did the misnamed "counter-reformation" mean in our history? What did the renowned Pax Catholica actually consist of? Did the reformist movement take over the story that has reached our days? Alberto Garín García and Fernando Díaz Villanueva -authors of reference in historical disclosure- question, in a deep and lucid conversation without filters, our certainties about the misnamed Lutheran Reformation at the beginning of the 16th century and they reveal to us what the first and authentic reformist processes were ; especially, the one initiated during the fifteenth century, very unknown, and which constituted the true renewal of the Church, which did not entail, in any case, the rupture of the institution. A revealing work in two voices that reflects on the lesser known repercussions of the Council of Trent, and that invites us to a valuable and concise journey through the political and religious history of Spain and Europe from the Reformation to the present. And it is that many of the issues that affect us today are the last consequences of that fateful religious split that condemned Europe to a century and a half of terribly cruel confrontations, such as those of Religion in France or the first large-scale war in history: the one of the Thirty Years.

Díaz Villanueva, Fernando
Garín García, Alberto
Human sciences > Religion and mythology
23.0 cm
15.0 cm
Release date
Biblioteca de historia 
Paperback edition
15,34 € Add to cart
Entrega: entre 8 y 14 días

Díaz Villanueva, Fernando (aut.)

  • Díaz Villanueva, Fernando
    Fernando Díaz Villanueva (Madrid, 1973) es periodista y divulgador histórico. Estudió historia moderna y contemporánea en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y posteri   Read more

Garín García, Alberto (aut.)

  • Garín García, Alberto
    Alberto Garín García (hispano-guatemalteco, 1971) es licenciado en Arqueología y doctor en Arquitectura. Ha trabajado como arqueólogo en España, Francia, Italia y va   Read more