Leonor de Aquitania

una figura de leyenda en la época de las cruzadas y los trovadores

Minella, Alain-Gilles

Eleanor of Aquitaine (1122-1204) is twenty-nine years old and married to the King of France when she meets Henri Plantagenet, the son of the Count of Anjou, ten years younger than her. Their meeting is a real crush. The queen soon achieves the nullity of her marriage to Louis VII and unites her life and destiny to those of the English court. Thus begins a passionate story of love, but also of power and politics, since together, Leonor and Enrique, will build the great Plantagenet empire. However, passions are fleeting. When Enrique falls in love with Rosamunda and makes her his lover, Leonor, hurt, will never forgive him. The wounded woman will offer the almighty queen the weapons of her revenge. She will rise up the empire against her and, after an epic fight, she will be defeated. The Middle Ages appear as a backdrop to this great political and sentimental drama. It is the time of the crusades and the schism, of the troubadours and the Arthurian legend; also the time of Tomás Becket, Felipe Augusto, Guillermo el Mariscal or Ricardo Corazón de León, who give this story the height of an epic tale. Eight centuries after her death, Eleanor of Aquitaine continues to embody one of the most fascinating women's destinies of all time.

Minella, Alain-Gilles
History > Biographies
La Esfera de los Libros
24.0 cm
16.0 cm
Release date
Paperback edition
18,17 € Add to cart
Entrega: entre 8 y 14 días

Minella, Alain-Gilles (aut.)

  • Minella, Alain-Gilles
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Leonor de Aquitania, Reina consorte de Enrique II, Rey de Inglaterra

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