Legislación laboral

Legislación laboral

Rodríguez-Piñero, Miguel (ed.)
Ojeda Avilés, Antonio (ed.)
Fernández López, María Fernanda (ed.)

In this 37th edition, the reader is offered a careful selection of the labor regulations in force in our legal system. Once the phase of continuous regulations of an exceptional nature as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic has been overcome, this edition returns to the path of normality, in the sense of incorporating the main regulatory developments that have occurred from 2020 to now. Of special relevance have been the alterations to the Workers' Statute. This is not a step backwards, since the legislator has established a monographic regulation on this issue through RD-Law 28/2020. This regulation has also entailed some modification in the Consolidated Text of the Law on Infractions and Sanctions in the Social Order, as well as in Law 36/2011, of October 10, regulating the social jurisdiction, in both cases with the aim of establish adaptations of said legal texts to the new regulation. On the other hand, article 33.2 has been modified in relation to the scope of protection of the Salary Guarantee Fund, to include in it the compensation generated based on arts. 40.1 and 41.3 ET. There have also been numerous modifications that have been incorporated into the General Law of Social Security as a consequence of Law 11/2020, of December 30, on General State Budgets for the year 2021; RD-Law 2/2021, of January 26, on the reinforcement and consolidation of social measures in defense of employment; RD-Law 3/2021, of February 2, which adopts measures to reduce the gender gap and other matters in the areas of Social and economic Security; Royal Decree-Law 30/2020, of September 29, on social measures in defense of employment and Royal Decree-Law 35/2020, of December 22, on urgent measures to support the tourism, hospitality and trade sectors and in tax matters.

Rodríguez-Piñero, Miguel (ed.)
Ojeda Avilés, Antonio (ed.)
Fernández López, María Fernanda (ed.)
Human sciences > Law
20.5 cm
15.0 cm
Release date
Biblioteca de textos legales 
Paperback edition
39,23 € Add to cart
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Rodríguez-Piñero, Miguel (ed.)

  • Rodríguez-Piñero, Miguel
    Miguel Rodríguez-Piñero (Sevilla, 1935). Jurista español, es uno de los máximos expertos en Derecho del Trabajo, tanto a nivel español como europeo.   Read more

Ojeda Avilés, Antonio (ed.)

  • Ojeda Avilés, Antonio
    Antonio Ojeda Avilés (n. en Sevilla) es catedrático de Derecho del trabajo y de la seguridad social de la Universidad de Sevilla.   Read more

Fernández López, María Fernanda (ed.)

  • Fernández López, María Fernanda
    María Fernanda Fernández López es catedrática de Derecho del Trabajo en la Universidad de Málaga.   Read more