La risa de las mujeres
una historia de poder
Melchior-Bonnet, Sabine
Throughout history, only men have had the right to provoke laughter. Subversive and uncontrollable in nature, humor has long been forbidden to women; in the name of decorum, beauty and discretion, it was convenient to oppose laughter and femininity. In "The Laughter of Women", Sabine Melchior-Bonnet sets out to decipher the historical reasons for this prohibition and narrate how women have gradually gained the power to make people laugh. At the same time the story of a conquest and the analysis of a taboo, this book traces a journey that goes from the rules of good taste in Antiquity to the comic ones of our days, which allow themselves to be funny, beautiful, goofy and malicious at the same time.
- Author
Melchior-Bonnet, Sabine
- Subject
Human sciences
> Feminism and LGTBI+
- Edition
- 1
- Publisher
Alianza Editorial
- Pages
- 424
- High
- 23.0 cm
- Weight
- 15.5 cm
- Release date
- 27-04-2023
- Language
- Spanish
- Series
- Alianza ensayo