La nada nadea

La nada nadea

invitación al nihilismo

Zamora Bonilla, Jesús

In these incredulous and detached times, analyzes that warn about the supposedly horrific nihilism that dominates and threatens our civilization proliferate. But the philosopher Jesús Zamora Bonilla is clear: it is preferable to live in this nihilist society than in any of the places to which the anti-nihilists aspire to move us. Nihilism has had practically no defenders among the most prominent philosophers, so it is a somewhat orphaned philosophy. Nothingness comes to fill that gap, to make us see that the bad reputation that this school of thought has is not justified. Because nihilism is nothing more than the denial of the existence of absolute and transcendent values (whether they are given by a supernatural entity, by a universal and abstract reason, by nature, or by society). This book explores, with a humorous, informative and optimistic tone, the two philosophical currents that have contributed the most to the historical development of nihilism: skepticism and positivism. And it presents the four fundamental pillars on which the nihilistic conception of existence rests: atheism (the rejection of religious faith), determinism (the denial of free will), relativism (the acceptance that there are no moral values objective and absolute) and materialism (the recognition that, deep down, only the material matters). Zamora Bonilla demonstrates that affirming that our existence is objectively meaningless does not mean that we are condemned to a kind of sad, inauthentic or alienated life: human life does not need to have a transcendental meaning to be worth living and improving. Nothing happens because there is no free will, nor because we are only matter, nor because there is no creator God. This essay teaches us that accepting nihilism does not have to lead us to any kind of apathy or defeatism, and that a consumerist society, far from the heroic, can be a much better world to live in than the one imagined by critics of nihilism.

Zamora Bonilla, Jesús
Human sciences > Philosophy
23.0 cm
15.0 cm
Release date
Paperback edition
18,22 € Add to cart
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Zamora Bonilla, Jesús (aut.)

  • Zamora Bonilla, Jesús
    Jesús Zamora Bonilla (Madrid, 1963) es Catedrático de Filosofía de la Ciencia en la UNED. Es autor de varios libros y numerosos artículos sobre la racionalidad de la cienci   Read more