La figura humana
The perfect resource for artists looking to hone their style and technique: a comprehensive guide to learning how to draw quickly and safely. A step-by-step system for creating charming sketches and drawings. It includes drawings of men, women, children, the elderly, anatomical drawings, people at rest or in motion, nudes, and practical tips for details such as the nose, mouth, eyes, or hair. Being able to draw the human figure realistically is fun for yourself and the people you're portraying - with this book, you'll learn how! The introduction explains the materials, the correct perspective and shadows, working with auxiliary lines, and the correct structure of the image. Besides that! Anyone who can skillfully draw the human figure will want to try new areas, such as sophisticated motifs, unusual techniques, manga, cartoons, and fantasy.
- Author
- Subject
Home & leisure
> Painting and drawing
- Edition
- 2
- Publisher
Naturart (Blume)
- Pages
- 240
- High
- 30.0 cm
- Weight
- 23.0 cm
- Release date
- 02-08-2022
- Language
- Spanish
- Series
- Guía completa de dibujo