La crianza imperfecta

La crianza imperfecta

por qué no puedes llegar a todo, y está bien así

Roig, Paola

The book we need to read to free ourselves from guilt and feel accompanied in the process of being mothers. Millennial mothers live in the information age. We know which shoes are best for our children, at what age it is best to introduce gluten into their diet, and also how we should accompany them in a tantrum. We spend our upbringing trying to change patterns, and do things differently, trying to be book mothers. But who talks about everything that happens to us while we try to achieve all that? When I was approached to write a second book, I decided that I wanted it to be about parenting. However, there are already so many books on the subject that it is easy to get lost in giving directions and advice and in selling that all the solutions can be found in a few lines. I don't want to participate in that. I want to talk about parenting from psychology, of course, but also from experience. That of the mothers I accompany and my own. I want to talk about what happens to us, about everything that is so difficult for us to name, about what our creatures move in us and about how we can make the path of accompanying them and accompanying ourselves easier. This is what you will find here. I am going to go through the most important aspects of parenting, those that concern us the most and about which we read the most. I am going to give you a bit of theory to understand them and put them in context, and then I will ask you questions so that you can choose your own path, trusting in your resources and everything that you already have within you. No, this is not another manual on how to be a perfect mother. It is a book about finding and trusting the good enough mother that you already are.

Roig, Paola
Education > Children pedagogy
23.0 cm
15.0 cm
Release date
Paperback edition
18,17 € Add to cart
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Roig, Paola (aut.)

  • Roig, Paola
    Paola Roig es autora, madre, feminista y psicóloga (aunque no necesariamente en ese orden). A raíz de su maternidad, experiencia que le revolucionó la vida, Paola se ha volcado en   Read more