Historia de un desafío

cinco décadas de lucha sin cuartel de la Guardia Civil contra ETA

Sánchez Corbí, Manuel
Simón, Manuela

The Civil Guard against ETA: half a century without giving up terror. The book drinks from the real chronicle, sometimes shocking, rigorously documented and written by the civil guards themselves, of a time when their actions were summed up in two words: sacrifice and suffering. This compendium includes everything that happened between the birth of the criminal gang in 1958 to the present. It shows in detail the bewilderment at the first murders, the precariousness that the armed institute had to deal with to face the terrorist challenge under Franco, and the silence with which the victims were dispatched. Starting in the 1990s, the increasingly intense and efficient application of intelligence services to the fight against terrorism, cooperation with France, and the first police successes would reverse the trend: the democratic state finally made peace possible. We have come here because of the work of many, but in a very high proportion thanks to the Civil Guard. Under the investigation of Manuel Sánchez and Manuela Simón, great people involved in the fight against terrorism, and beyond relevant and unpublished events, measures and countermeasures, attacks and arrests, this work, almost encyclopedic, shows how several generations of guards Civilians have served as a shield between the criminal organization and a society that in too many moments preferred to look the other way.

Sánchez Corbí, Manuel
Simón, Manuela
History > History of Spain
Ediciones Península
25.0 cm
18.5 cm
Release date
Hardcover edition
38,37 € Add to cart
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Sánchez Corbí, Manuel (aut.)

  • Sánchez Corbí, Manuel
    Manuel Sánchez Corbí (Valladolid, 1963) es Coronel jefe de la Unidad Central Operativa (UCO), de los Servicios de Inteligencia de la Guardia Civil, dedicados a la lucha antiterrorista y    Read more

Simón, Manuela (aut.)

  • Simón, Manuela
    Manuela Simón (Torrenueva, 1969) pertenece a la primera promoción de mujeres de la Guardia Civil. Ingresó en 1988 en la academia del instituto armado de Baeza, donde fue seleccion   Read more