Guerreros de Cristo

Guerreros de Cristo

de los Hermanos Hospitalarios a los Caballeros de la Cruz de Malta

Rey Vicente, Miguel del
Canales Torres, Carlos

The Order of Saint John of Jerusalem is, without a doubt, one of the oldest and most important institutions of the Catholic Church, but it is also, indisputably, of the culture and civilization of the West. Its influence has been important in the history of Europe for centuries, and today it is the most important link of our culture with the Crusades. Founded in Palestine to serve "our lords the sick," by men who had taken vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, it soon became a monastic order also dedicated to war against the enemies "of the Cross." Together with his Templar rivals and the Teutonic Knights, he constituted one of the great brotherhoods of warrior monks born in the Holy Land. Their freires fought Islam in those regions for two hundred years, and when their last positions fell, they kept up the fight in Rhodes and Malta for centuries. An insurmountable barrier against the Turks and the Barbary corsairs that resisted until well into the 17th century. With such a long historical trajectory, the Order has undergone various vicissitudes as a result of its hectic and exciting evolution over time. Currently recognized as a subject of international law, it is in practice a State without territory, but faithful to the principles of its creator, it is still present in more than 120 countries with its own medical, social, assistance and political activities; maintains diplomatic relations with 104 States, and is represented before dozens of international organizations.

Rey Vicente, Miguel del
Canales Torres, Carlos
History > History of Spain
24.0 cm
15.0 cm
Release date
Paperback edition
18,27 € Add to cart
Entrega: entre 8 y 14 días

Rey Vicente, Miguel del (aut.)

  • Rey Vicente, Miguel del
    Miguel del Rey Vicente (Madrid, 1962) es escritor y ha sido director de la revista "Ristre" en su segunda etapa   Read more

Canales Torres, Carlos (aut.)

  • Canales Torres, Carlos
    Carlos Canales Torres (Madrid, 1963) es abogado y escritor. Colaborador durante 13 años del programa La Rosa de los Vientos de Onda Cero. Como especialista en historia ha escrito decenas de art   Read more