Fruits basket another, 1
Takaya, Natsuki
The long-awaited sequel to Fruits Basket is here! Natsuki Takaya introduces us to Sawa Mitoma, an introverted and insecure young woman who has started high school at Kaibara High School, the same one Toru, Kyo, Yuki and company attended years ago. With no other intention than to go unnoticed during her high school stage, Sawa's life will turn upside down when she meets Mutsuki Soma, the first person in years who will treat her kindly.
- Author
Takaya, Natsuki
- Subject
Child & youth
> Manga
- Edition
- 1
- Publisher
Norma Editorial
- Pages
- 192
- High
- 18.0 cm
- Weight
- 13.0 cm
- Release date
- 05-04-2019
- Language
- Spanish
- Series