Francisco de Goya

Francisco de Goya

el tiempo también pinta

Calvo Santos, Miguel

Francisco de Goya was one of the most complex, fascinating and original artists in history. Creator of luminous party images and also of dark scenes of witchcraft, his historical paintings are confused with nonsense and imagined whims. The portraits of him are diluted with his works of denunciation. An artist who managed to anticipate each and every one of the movements and currents that emerged after him, it is not in vain that he is considered the father of contemporary art. For many the best portraitist in history, but also an anthropologist who studied the social customs of his time, a chronicler of the convulsive events that he lived through, a subversive who ended up as a palace painter, an artist capable of portraying an entire society, an entire culture, the entire human species. His art, very localizable in his country, is at the same time universal, understandable in every corner of the world. His painting, well anchored in his time, is also capable of traveling through time without hardly aging. In fact, Goya could not be more current today. However, his biography is still full of blank spaces that this book aims to fill. This is an investigation of Goya and his work, which is transformed along with his country and his time, which fluctuates between the Enlightenment and the irrational. The story of an artist, with his joys and sufferings, his friends and enemies, his loves and heartbreaks. With the lights and shadows of him.

Calvo Santos, Miguel
Arts > Painting and sculpture
Editorial Sargantana
21.0 cm
14.0 cm
Release date
Personajes ilustres 
Paperback edition
17,21 € Add to cart
Entrega: más de 14 días

Calvo Santos, Miguel (aut.)

  • Calvo Santos, Miguel
    Miguel Calvo Santos (n. en Ordes) es licenciado en Historia del Arte por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela y en Bellas Artes por la Universidad de Vigo.   Read more

Goya, Francisco de

  • Goya, Francisco de
    Francisco de Goya (Fuendetodos, 1746-Burdeos, 1828) fue un pintor y grabador español. Su obra abarca la pintura de caballete y mural, el grabado y el dibujo. En todas estas facetas desarroll&oa   Read more