España en el mundo

España en el mundo

curiosidades para leer en familia

Valenzuela Sánchez, Fermín
Cuenca López, Manuel Ángel
Cuenca López, Gloria (il.)

Did you know that the famous Garden of the Hesperides could have been on the Peninsula? That the "real de a ocho" was the one Spanish currency that united the whole world? And that it was a man from Toledo who built an aqueduct to carry water to several Mexican regions in the colonial era?. If in Curiosities of the History of Spain for parents and children we revealed endless striking data about the history of the Peninsula, now we want to go beyond our borders and find out everything that happened in the first empire where it was not put Sun. To guide us through its pages, there is no better suitor than the one who circumnavigated the world for the first time: Juan Sebastián Elcano. Together with him we will visit those territories that were part of the Spanish Empire, both in the Old and in the New World; we will meet many characters who, without necessarily being Spanish, nurtured the history of Spain inside and outside the borders; we will better investigate our past and explain those topics that weigh on our legacy. Lastly, in a trip as enriching as this one, you cannot miss a guided visit to the Spanish heritage spread all over the world. Get on the Nao Victoria and share, with your family, this trip through Spain, throughout the world.

Valenzuela Sánchez, Fermín
Cuenca López, Manuel Ángel
Cuenca López, Gloria (il.)
History > History of Spain
Editorial Edaf
24.0 cm
17.0 cm
Release date
Clío crónicas de la historia 
Hardcover edition
24,04 € Add to cart
Entrega: entre 8 y 14 días

Valenzuela Sánchez, Fermín (aut.)

  • Valenzuela Sánchez, Fermín
    Fermín Valenzuela Sánchez (n. Granada) es Licenciado en Historia por la Universidad de Granada, actualmente está doctorándose.   Read more

Cuenca López, Manuel Ángel (aut.)

  • Cuenca López, Manuel Ángel
    Manuel Ángel López Cuenca (n. en Granada) es graduado en Ingeniería de Organización Industrial y oficial del Ejército del Aire.   Read more

Cuenca López, Gloria (il.)

  • Cuenca López, Gloria
    Gloria Cuenca López (n. en Granada) es diplomada en Turismo y licenciada en Bellas Artes por la Universidad de Granada.   Read more