El nuevo iberismo

El nuevo iberismo

una invitación para redescrubrir Iberia

González Alcantud, José Antonio
González Velasco, Pablo

The new Iberianism proposed in this book reflects on the Iberian us and the rediscovered Iberia, from an interdisciplinary perspective, with a pre-eminence of anthropology, history, literature and geopolitics. The authors have exercised a methodological Iberianism, applied to different disciplines, which highlights the uniqueness of the Iberian cultural community, without this representing exclusivism, a denial of internal plurality or a new nationalism like the well-intentioned old Iberianism. This Iberian singularity can be useful for weaving multilevel geopolitical alliances between Spain and Portugal. An essential reference for those interested in developing a theoretical corpus of a natural history of the Iberian Peninsula, where the Iberian anthropological dimension helps us to better integrate the histories -own and intertwined- of Spain and Portugal. A history, in short, of Iberia, Hispania, Al-Andalus, Sepharad, the Hispanic Monarchy, the political nations of Spain and Portugal, and the Iberian regions in general. Iberism is a concept that mutates easily and that responds to a reality and a trend that cyclically stubbornly returns to public debate. Its historical-political dimension has been the one most addressed by specialists, but its anthropological and geopolitical implications are the ones that have the most potential. For this reason, this book comes to contribute to building a pole of knowledge within the framework of a pan-Iberian thought community, with a strong Ibero-American matrix. This collective work is an invitation to a transversal and interdisciplinary debate to rediscover Iberia, which, in a changing world, subject to undeniable geostrategic tensions, is a cultural and political achievement that takes up shared vital knowledge.

González Alcantud, José Antonio
González Velasco, Pablo
Human sciences > Politics
24.0 cm
15.0 cm
Release date
Pensamiento político 
Paperback edition
23,03 € Add to cart
Entrega: entre 8 y 14 días

González Alcantud, José Antonio (aut.)

  • González Alcantud, José Antonio
    José Antonio González Alcantud (Granada, 1956) es Catedrático de Antropología Social de la Universidad de Granada y Académico Correspondiente de la Real Academia de    Read more

González Velasco, Pablo (aut.)

  • González Velasco, Pablo
    Pablo González Velasco es doctor en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad de Salamanca, coordinador del periódico ibérico eltrapezio.eu y especialista en iberismo.   Read more