El llenguatge no verbal en la comunicació online

El llenguatge no verbal en la comunicació online

consells pràctics per oferir una bona imatge en les videoconferències

Cánovas, Joan Francesc

During the Covid-19 crisis, we have had to incorporate an almost unlimited number of technological platforms into our daily lives in order to maintain our professional or personal connections. So, if before 2020 making a video conference could have, depending on what areas, even a point of snobbery, now it is a common fact that it has come to stay. As a result of this situation, people (more prepared to interact face-to-face than remotely) have had to learn by force the secrets and efficiencies of this new online communication. Based on successes and errors, each person has been building their own manual on how to communicate in a videoconference, so, without knowing it, all together we have been creating a new language that must be known very well. For the first time, all these learnings have been brought together in a single book, Non-verbal language in online communication, a work with a very practical and didactic purpose that answers the thousands of doubts that arise when preparing and participating. in a videoconference, such as what background should be used, what kind of plane or camera angle, what clothes or accessories are suitable to be displayed on the screen, what lighting is correct, and a very long etcetera. And without forgetting the appropriateness of the type of language used (verbal, vocal and non-verbal), since, as in any other communication, they will greatly condition the final result.

Cánovas, Joan Francesc
Selfhelp & psychology > Non-verbal communication
Amat Editorial
23.0 cm
15.3 cm
Release date
Paperback edition
19,18 € Add to cart
Entrega: entre 8 y 14 días

Cánovas, Joan Francesc (aut.)

  • Cánovas, Joan Francesc
    Joan Francesc Cánovas es periodista, consultor en comunicación y gran aficionado al teatro musical. Profesor de la UPF-Barcelona School of Management, ha trabajado en distintos medios de   Read more

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