El coach de Sillicon Valley

El coach de Sillicon Valley

lecciones de liderazgo del legendario coach de negocios Bill Campbell

Schmidt, Eric
Rosenberg, Jonathan
Eagle, Alan

Bill Campbell played a critical role in the growth of several prominent companies, such as Google, Apple, and Intuit, fostering deep relationships with Silicon Valley visionaries, including Steve Jobs, Larry Page, and Eric Schmidt. Furthermore, this entrepreneurial genius was a mentor to dozens of other top leaders, from entrepreneurs and venture capitalists to educators and footballers. He left a legacy of growing companies, successful people, respect, friendship and love after his death in 2016. Google leaders for more than a decade, Eric Schmidt, Jonathan Rosenberg, and Alan Eagle experienced first-hand how the man known as Coach Bill built relationships of trust and fostered personal growth; It inspired courage and identified and resolved the stresses that inevitably arise in fast-moving environments. To honor their mentor and inspire and teach future generations, they have codified their wisdom in this essential guide. Based on interviews with over eighty people who knew and loved Bill Campbell, the Silicon Valley coach explains the coach's principles and illustrates them with stories of the many people and companies he worked with. The result is a forward-thinking plan for business leaders and managers that will help them create faster, better performing cultures, teams, and companies.

Schmidt, Eric
Rosenberg, Jonathan
Eagle, Alan
Human sciences > Business and economics
23.0 cm
15.2 cm
Release date
Paperback edition
18,17 € Add to cart
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Schmidt, Eric (aut.)

  • Schmidt, Eric
    Eric Schmidt (Washington D. C., 1955) es un empresario e informático estadounidense, director ejecutivo de Google desde 2001 hasta 2011, cuando fue reemplazado por uno de sus fundadores, Larry    Read more

Rosenberg, Jonathan (aut.)

  • Rosenberg, Jonathan
    Jonathan Rosenberg (Chicago, 1951) es un matemático estadounidense especializado en topología algebraica, álgebras de operadores, teoría K y teoría de representaci&o   Read more

Eagle, Alan (aut.)

  • Eagle, Alan
    Alan Eagle ha sido Director de Comunicaciones Ejecutivas en Google desde que se unió a la compañía en 2007. Actualmente supervisa un conjunto de programas de ventas de Google y el   Read more

Campbell, Bill

  • Campbell, Bill
    Bill Campbell (Homestead, 1940-Palo Alto, 2016) fue un empresario estadounidense y presidente del consejo de administración de la Universidad de Columbia y presidente del consejo de Intuit Inc.   Read more