Crítica de la razón crítica

Crítica de la razón crítica

historia y metapolítica del progresismo

Ramos, Jonathan

Jonathan Ramos, through this work, offers the necessary information to know and understand the political, economic and social framework that has been created from ancient times to the present day, made up of a single and weak thought. It offers a serene vision and explains that "the death of God" rather caused the death of man by annihilating concepts such as "human dignity" to be only a consumer of pleasures and apparent goods, with the consequent loss of the meaning of life, beauty and goodness.Why is "the goddess reason" not enough to keep human beings alive? What happened when Lutheran theology was translated into political and social life? The text, meticulously prepared, makes clear how the criticisms and proposals of Marx and Nietzsche have influenced human behavior over time, but also how their writings have been manipulated in practice and transferred to circumstances unrelated to the specific issues. that inspired them in their time. He also points out the influence of Hobbes and Hegel; the lightness with which authors like Foucault and Derrida have been given assent; the return of the sophists and the ravages of imperialisms of all kinds, be they religion-state or socialist and liberal authoritarianisms.It concludes with what we can consider consequences of Progressivism: Posthumanism, Tranhumanism, neo-nihilism, and neo-cynicism. It catalogs the origins of wars, migrations, human trafficking, extreme poverty, and defragmenting ideologies as part of the decadent crisis of recent decades. Faced with this catalog of social deconstruction, Ramos delves into the metaphysical foundations of philosophical anthropology to defend human dignity, order as custodian of the ontological being of the person and truth for social dialogue, among other aspects.It is a work that puts philosophers of all times in dialogue and confronts them with current situations of the 21st century, such as economics, politics, sociology, anthropology, medicine, scientific research, neurosciences, technology, cyberspace, focusing on transcendence with a community perspective. . "Critique of Critical Reason" must be read to understand the causes that generate today's uncertainty, that is, existentialist confusion, whether global or local.

Ramos, Jonathan
Human sciences > Philosophy
23.0 cm
15.0 cm
Release date
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Paperback edition
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Entrega: entre 8 y 14 días

Ramos, Jonathan (aut.)

  • Ramos, Jonathan
    Jonathan Ramos (Salta, 1987) es historiador, filósofo, escritor, teólogo amateur e investigador; profesor universitario por la Universidad Católica de Salta.   Read more