Cómo reducir tu huella de carbono

Cómo reducir tu huella de carbono

opciones prácticas para conseguir resultados de verdad

Tout, Ellen

How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint is the definitive guide to minimizing your impact on the environment, with hundreds of practical tips to help combat the climate crisis. It contains up-to-date information and practical resources to make possible and sustainable changes, and will also teach you how to take a responsible approach in all aspects of your life, whether in your diet, when you travel, in your home routines or at work. , or when you make purchases of any kind. Ellen Tout's book is organized around key themes to make it easy and intuitive for you to find amazing formulas to start changing unsustainable habits with minimal effort. Each topic offers key facts and statistics to keep you informed and help you better understand our impact on the environment. Whichever way you look at it, there is always a way to reduce your carbon footprint without altering your quality of life. Ellen Tout suggests that whether it's a simple change of habit or an ambitious project to improve your home, in this book you will find many suggestions that have a lot to do with you and your lifestyle. All of these changes will not only be good for the planet and sometimes your bank account, but also for your health and your karma. How to Minimize Your Impact on the Environment includes hundreds of practical ways to help combat the climate crisis. A simple and practical way to reduce your carbon footprint without altering your quality of life.

Tout, Ellen
Sciences > Ecology and environment
Amat Editorial
21.5 cm
13.5 cm
Release date
Paperback edition
14,38 € Add to cart
Entrega: entre 8 y 14 días

Tout, Ellen (aut.)

  • Tout, Ellen
    Ellen Tout es columnista y editora en la revista Psychologies, aunque ha colaborado con publicaciones como Pebble, DIVA, The Great Outdoors y Plant Powered Planet. También ha trabajado con vari   Read more