Atles dels ocells nidificants de Catalunya
distribució i abundància 2015-2018 i canvi des de 1980
This Atlas is the most complete source of information on the distribution and abundance of breeding birds in Catalonia. A total of 233 species have nested in this territory in the period 2015-2018, 224 of which are native and 9 exotic. Some, such as the blackbird, are found almost everywhere, but others have much smaller distributions, such as the pink flamingo, which breeds in a single locality. In total, there are an estimated 8 to 12 million pairs of nesting birds but most species have less than 2,000. The book also shows the changes that have taken place in populations over the last few decades and the causes behind them, both as a whole and for each species. The wood pigeon, for example, is in a process of regression in the coastal strip, but inland its trend is positive. This atlas is the result of the coordinated effort of the country?s community of ornithologists. We want to help make this fascinating natural heritage known and valued.
- Author
- Subject
> Livestock and zoology
- Edition
- 1
- Type of edition
- Edición bilingüe
- Publisher
Cossetània Edicions
- Pages
- 640
- High
- 31.0 cm
- Weight
- 22.0 cm
- Release date
- 24-11-2021
- Language
- Catalan / English
- Series
- Altres natura