Administración de la producción

Administración de la producción

enfoque estratégico

Fernández Sánchez, Esteban
Avella Camarero, Lucía
Fernández Barcala, Marta

This work finds its fundamental motivation in that in the 21st century the way of competing has changed and so has the response of the production area. The book integrates all the contents that are currently related to the strategic management of production. It deals in depth with specific topics and aspects that other texts on production and operations management do not usually deal with or do so in a superficial way, such as Industry 4.0, international localization or production strategy from the resource-based approach. The book introduces the reader to the most important strategic production decisions, as well as their implementation. It is, therefore, a text that can be used in any course on strategic production management, while serving as a reference for the professionals of the company when addressing irreversible and extremely large strategic decisions. In addition, the manual displays expository resources of a very diverse nature, combining theoretical approaches with practical cases. In the preparation of the theoretical contents, the most relevant and current scientific publications in the field of production administration have been reviewed. The theoretical aspects have been complemented with multiple and recent real examples that collect the experience of organizations of various kinds in the application of the concepts and techniques described. This helps to complete and consolidate the information it provides, also making it enjoyable to read.

Fernández Sánchez, Esteban
Avella Camarero, Lucía
Fernández Barcala, Marta
Human sciences > Business and economics
Ediciones Pirámide
23.5 cm
19.0 cm
Release date
Paperback edition
53,85 € Add to cart
Entrega: entre 8 y 14 días

Fernández Sánchez, Esteban (aut.)

  • Fernández Sánchez, Esteban
    Esteban Fernández Sánchez (n. 1955) es licenciado y doctor en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales por la Universidad de Oviedo y catedrático de Organización de Empre   Read more

Avella Camarero, Lucía (aut.)

  • Avella Camarero, Lucía
    Lucía Avella Camarero es licenciada y doctora en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales por la Universidad de Oviedo, catedrática de Organización de Empresas de la Universidad   Read more

Fernández Barcala, Marta (aut.)

  • Fernández Barcala, Marta
    Marta Fernández Barcala es licenciada y doctora en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales por la Universidad de Oviedo y profesora titular de la Universidad de Oviedo.    Read more