66 fechas cruciales en la Historia de España

66 fechas cruciales en la Historia de España

(y algunas otras que no lo fueron tanto)

Arsenal, León
Sanchiz Álvarez de Toledo, Hipólito

66 Crucial Dates in the History of Spain is an essential journey through the history of Spain through moments that constituted a crossroads for it. There are those who have a deterministic view of history. For them, this would be a kind of exact science and historical processes similar to equations with a single possible result, when in reality unavoidable, unpredictable and difficult to control factors intervene that produce disruptive events with different solutions. It is in this sense that we use the term "crucial" here: at the crossroads; or, to be more specific, historical crossroads. From that point of view, this is a travelogue, whose stops and visits make up those crucial dates we are referring to... And, by the way, some others that were not so crucial. From the fall of Tire to the Babylonians, on the other side of the Mediterranean, to the 23F coup d'état, at the beginning of the Transition, going through events that changed everything at a stroke, such as the battle of Guadalete and others whose consequences, positive or negative, they only manifested themselves with the passage of time, as happened with the wedding of Petronila de Aragón or the loss of Manila to the English troops in the 18th century. Battles, sudden deaths, unexpected decisions, even natural phenomena that made our History take one course and not another that would have been undoubtedly possible.

Arsenal, León
Sanchiz Álvarez de Toledo, Hipólito
History > History of Spain
Editorial Edaf
23.0 cm
15.0 cm
Release date
Clío crónicas de la historia 
Paperback edition
17,31 € Add to cart
Entrega: entre 8 y 14 días

Arsenal, León (aut.)

  • Arsenal, León
    León Arsenal (Madrid, 1960), pseudónimo de José Antonio Álvaro Garrido, es un escritor español que ha cultivado los más variados géneros narrativos. Ta   Read more

Sanchiz Álvarez de Toledo, Hipólito (aut.)

  • Sanchiz Álvarez de Toledo, Hipólito
    Hipólito Sanchiz Álvarez de Toledo es doctor en Historia Antigua por la UCM y profesor adjunto de Historia Antigua en la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Comunicación de l   Read more