Las hijas de Lilith

Las hijas de Lilith

Bornay, Erika

According to the Hebrew Bible, Lilith was the first woman that God wanted to give Adam as a companion, and she made her, like him, from the dust of the earth. And Lilith, seeing herself as his equal, one day rebelled against his constant demands and abandoned him. She fled into the spaces and had loves with various demons: she was the first liberated woman in the history of humanity. It was the first "femme fatale". The purpose of this book is to find out the reasons why, in the last third of the 19th century, not only unpleasant, but infamous, female images emerged from the brush of so many artists. What were the reasons for the emergence of that visual story that pleased men and displeased women? Obviously there was an origin in all this iconography. The main one was the new awakening of awareness in women of their secondary role in the world and, as a consequence, their protest formalized in the first and categorical movements of the suffragettes. The patriarchal society observed with alarm that an unexpected competitor arose, unsuspected, due to the submission to which, ancestral, it had marginalized it. To confirm the perfidy of the woman, the artists of the time offered ominous representations of her, without realizing that at the same time they highlighted their fear and desire. To ratify their complaint, they even went to religious images that corroborated the innate evil of the female being. This is how they recovered, among others, the figure of Lilith.

Bornay, Erika
Arts > Painting and sculpture
Ediciones Cátedra
23.5 cm
19.0 cm
Release date
Arte grandes temas 
Paperback edition
22,12 € Add to cart
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Bornay, Erika (aut.)

  • Bornay, Erika
    Erika Bornay (n. en Barcelona) es una historiadora del arte, escritora e investigadora española especializada en la iconografía de la mujer en el arte, a la que ha dedicado múltip   Read more