La dictadura de Primo de Rivera

La dictadura de Primo de Rivera

los seis años que le costaron el trono a Alfonso XIII

Muñoz Lorente, G.

The six years covered by the dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera (1923-1930) is one of the least known periods in the history of Spain, perhaps because not a few historians have described it as an empty parenthesis within the Bourbon Restoration. Today we know that he, not at all, he was a folksy man without ideology. He was the promoter of a paternalistic dictatorship and an astute politician, with few scruples, who promoted a nationalist regime along the lines of the rest of the contemporary European dictatorships. Primo de Rivera was the creator of right-wing populism in Spain by denouncing politicians as corrupt and parasitic elites, organizing political communication based on fake news, and presenting himself as the messianic leader who would carry out the will of the people. Also, in that brief period numerous events occurred that changed the country economically and socially, in addition to anticipating some of the measures that would later be adopted during the Franco dictatorship. After a meticulous investigation, the author proposes a socio-economic and political balance of those 2,329 days of Primorriverista dictatorship, between the Alfonsino monarchy and a "desired" republic, and will try to answer questions that historians have raised during the last century. : Was Alfonso XIII involved in the coup? Was it the end of a corrupt regime or did it consist of parliamentarianism in the process of full democratization? Was it a fascist dictatorship? Was there a bloody repression? How was the relationship between the monarch and the dictator? Was there any social or economic improvement in those years? What did the political opposition do? Did Primo de Rivera resign voluntarily?

Muñoz Lorente, G.
History > History of Spain
24.0 cm
15.0 cm
Release date
Paperback edition
28,80 € Add to cart
Entrega: entre 8 y 14 días

Muñoz Lorente, G. (aut.)

  • Muñoz Lorente, G.
    Gerardo Muñoz Lorente (Melilla, 1955) es un escritor e investigador histórico, residente en Alicante desde 1981. Es autor de más de ochocientos reportajes y artículos perio   Read more

Primo de Rivera, Miguel

  • Primo de Rivera, Miguel
    Miguel Primo de Rivera (Jerez de la Frontera, 1870-París, 1930) fue un dictador y militar español que gobernó el país entre 1923 y 1930, tras encabezar, el 13 de septiembre   Read more