Educa en positivo y lidera el cambio

Educa en positivo y lidera el cambio

Tallón Burón, María del Pilar (dir.)
González Navarro, Myriam Isabel (dir.)

This book's mission is to help people cope with the uncertainty and changes we are experiencing. Realize that each and every one of us has a role to play in building a better world. Bringing education closer to the needs of a changing labor market. Education has a fundamental role in this great challenge, that each and every one of the people who in one way or another are part of it, be true leaders of service. Promote an education oriented from childhood to leadership. Based on the values ??of the person being the starting point in the decision-making process and establishment of strategies to achieve goals and purpose. Raise awareness of the importance of fostering social skills and transversal tools that introduce servant leadership in education, from the family and early school age, to the workplace, during professional development and throughout life. Intended for parents, educators, students, entrepreneurs, and anyone who demands talent and excellence, and is curious about the world of education, values, and servant leadership. The mission of this book is to drive and promote the change that our society needs. Raise awareness of the importance of placing the person at the center and bringing education closer to the needs of a world of work in which a mindset open to change and continuous learning is essential. The cast of participating authors, all of them committed to education and service leadership, enriches and gives prestige to the work, helping its dissemination, for belonging to the world of Business, University and Administration. The work is transformative and allows informed decisions and individual and collective action to change society and care for the planet.

Tallón Burón, María del Pilar (dir.)
González Navarro, Myriam Isabel (dir.)
Education > Educational systems
23.0 cm
15.5 cm
Release date
Ventana abierta 
Paperback edition
21,63 € Add to cart
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Tallón Burón, María del Pilar (dir.)

  • Tallón Burón, María del Pilar
    María del Pilar Tallón Burón es abogada, experta en mediación civil, mercantil y familiar; Socia y directora adjunta de EINE Formación (Escuela Internacional de Nego   Read more

González Navarro, Myriam Isabel (dir.)

  • González Navarro, Myriam Isabel
    Myriam Isabel González Navarro es socia fundadora en Barberán & González Abogados;Coach/Mentora acreditada EMCC; Secretaria General en IBWomen. Experta en Networking. Mentora    Read more