Special Issue: Fluvial geomorphology
- Diel patterns of suspended sediment flux and the zoogeomorphic agency of invasive crayfish / S.P. Rice, M.F. Johnson, C. Extence, J. Reeds, H. Longstaff
- The fluvial geomorphology of the lower Ebro (2002-2013): bridging gaps between management and research / R.J. Batalla, D. Vericat, A. Tena
- Characteristics of fluvial islands along three gravel bed-rivers of North-Eastern Italy / L. Picco, D. Ravazzolo, R. Rainato,M. A. Lenzi
- Geomorphology and river restoration: dam removal monitoring in Gipuzkoa / A. Ollero, A. Ibisate, V. Acín, D. Ballarín, P. Besne, E. Díaz, C. Ferrer-Boix, D. Granado, X. Herrero, J. Horacio, J.P. Martín-Vide, A. Mesanza, D. Mora, I. Sánchez
- Spatial variability of channel changes in a Mediterranean ephemeral stream in the last six decades (1946-2006) / C. Sanchis-Ibor, F. Segura-Beltrán
- Flood hazard assessment for bridge crossings over ephemeral channels: a case study of the Murcia coast (SE Spain) / C. Conesa-García, R. García-Lorenzo
- Analysis and interpretation of the channel topography on the south and southeastern fluvial network of Mallorca / A. Capó, C. Garcia
- Proposal of a new methodology to assess the effectiveness of check-dams / V. Díaz, J. Mongil,J. Navarro
- Sediment organization and adjustment in a torrential reach of the upper Ijuez river, central Spanish Pyrenees/ A. Gómez-Villar, Y. Sanjuán, J.M. García-Ruiz, E. Nadal-Romero, J. Álvarez-Martínez, J. Arnáez, M.P. Serrano-Muela
- Taking advantage of a new hydraulic infrastructure to study the sediment yield in a small basin of central Spain / E. Molina-Navarro, S. Martínez-Pérez, A. Sastre-Merlín, R. Bienes-Allas
- Large wood in rivers and its Influence on flood hazard / V. Ruiz-Villanueva, A. Díez-Herrero,J.M. Bodoque, E. Bladé
- Subaequeous landslides analysis in lacustrine deltas (Nahuel Huapi lake, Argetnina) through high-resolution bathymetry / D. Beigt, G. Villarosa, E.A. Gómez
